Friday, 23 September 2016

Love, why my heart is abay...

Happily married couples look back on how their relationship began.Everyday, my heart rejoices that i gave my all to the one and only true love of my life.
I'm really not the type to give in on something so when I love, it actually for keeps. Life I believe is more than beautiful so why not share with the very one person you feel comfortable with.
The essence of love? Not in so much time, we lose focus on whats important and rather focus on what I term ''trivials'', we focus on what we do not have than to have fun and be excited about what we have. We get so caught up in our thinking and feelings that we even ignore the little things that give meanings and deep sense to our lives. We may not be so beautiful, not so rich, not so talented but God has created each one of us to be loved regardless by that unique person who will find you and sort you out no matter where you may be.
Everyone and how they define love, every book has a different definition of what love is, we all cannot look through one hole or what I call the spectacle of love at the same time..

So love, why my heart is abay?? I keep on asking my self that question all the time. Sometimes you see your peeps getting involve with different kinds of people and you can't help but feel a little jealous or something. Deep down you wish you have what they've got and still you wish them more than well in their quest for happiness. Its so confusing yet so real..!!!

What my friends husband told her on their wedding dinner was ''that welcome my love, now you would have to deal with smelling my breath every day'' This statement got all the guest laughing but in it was the deepest meaning of what we face after marriage. Your partner's breath may not always be so good, it may not always be so fresh but you will have to deal with it. You don't marry for perfection, you marry for love. It will only take love for you to be able to smell someone's breath for the rest of your life.

We hear of marriages going down the drain all the time and the question is, why are they giving up on the breath of their partners? You cannot force someone into servitude so it becomes so alarming when you start to feel that what about your marriage or partner.
