Wednesday, 14 September 2016


There is an oft-quoted African saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Less cited is the second half of the saying, “…and a community to keep the parents sane.”
In Africa, it takes a whole community to raise children.
 I must be quick to admit that this is fading away in most urban cites in Africa but the statistics however still indicate that most African’s are still very Rural when it comes to parenting.

However, there is still the old tradition or orthodox way of disciplining African children i.e spanking them, insulting them, etc. even though some modern parents would rather shy away from disciplining their children, they themselves would testify that mostly ”sparing the rod” has come with a huge pay tag.

Most educated parents now prefer their kids to go to school with a Driver and body guards driving them even if the school is just a distance away just like parents in Hollywood such as Kim Kardashian;

or even Beyonce…

Kids nowadays watch cartoons, eat from fancy restaurants, wear expensive designer cloths which is not bad as I would probably feel great if my kids were to look that good but the most pressing issue here is, are we loosing our strict
and proper up bringing of our kids to Modernity and Westernization?

Where is our continent heading? Are we not scared of posterity as it will judge us? Are our future generations going to thank us for bringing them properly??

As African parents we can be so many things but we shouldn’t bend the foundation on which we were brought up to become responsible citizens and destroy with our own hands the beautiful souls God has bless us with because, ‘We have them to keep a CHARGE’..

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