Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Ladies, relax and lets give morning sickness a cheer because while experiencing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is certainly unpleasant, it might very well be a sign that things are progressing smoothly.
According to a new study published in , these symptoms – commonly referred to as morning sickness, though it can occur at any time of day – may be associated with a reduced risk of pregnancy loss.

“Nausea and vomiting can take a toll on a woman’s body, especially after the emotional time period of finding out you’re pregnant,”. But findings are really reassuring to women who are experiencing and suffering from these symptoms that their risk for pregnancy loss is greatly reduced. It’s helping to tell them that they have a healthy pregnancy and that this is a good thing.”

After being pregnant for two weeks, nearly 18 percent of women reported nausea without vomiting and about 3 percent reported nausea with vomiting. Those numbers jumped to 57 percent and 27 percent, respectively, by the eighth week of pregnancy.
When the researchers crunched the numbers, they found that nausea or a combination of nausea and vomiting were associated with a 50 percent to 75 percent reduction in the risk of pregnancy loss in women with one or two prior pregnancy losses.

The findings reaffirm previous research with similar results. While the underlying mechanism for the connection is unknown, the researchers ruled out a few theories.

“There have been some hypotheses that women may change their lifestyle habits in response to feeling nauseous, which is sort of an evolutionary instinct that could help prevent risky behaviors that have been linked to an increase risk of pregnancy loss like smoking or alcohol intake.

The benefit of this study is that now we can actually tell newly pregnant women that they’re not feeling miserable for no good reason. It actually demonstrates the pregnancy is progressing,” It’s a really important step forward, just so we can understand more about pregnancy – especially early pregnancy, which is when people are most anxious.”
However, although findings suggest nausea and vomiting have protective benefits, women should not be afraid to speak to their doctor about it if it is negatively impacting their lives.

“Although such a designation may provide reassurance to some women, they should not be discouraged from seeking treatment for a condition that can have a considerable negative effect on their quality of life,” they write.

Additionally and most importantly, women who do not experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy should not feel alarmed. “Not all pregnancies are the same,” she said. “Everyone’s individual experience is different so just because you don’t have symptoms does not mean that you’re going to go on to have a miscarriage.



  1. great piece out there. I believe ladies will be all excited to know about this.

  2. great piece out there. I believe ladies will be all excited to know about this.
